
A selection of projects using Dimosim


Development of a cloud-based framework for district management and decision-making support for district energy systems.

DIMOSIM has been used as a virtual platform (District Simulation Platform) for the evaluation of production schedule optimizers and predictive control strategies.


Development of an approach to define heating and cooling modernization packages linked together through a platform, for an intelligent energy management at building and district level. It targets residential buildings and districts connected to thermal networks.

DIMOSIM has been used as the core of the platform, calculating the energy demand at building and district level under the different modernization packages. Optimisation algorithms developed for building and district level energy management have been tested in a virtual environment (Dimosim) before installation on the demo sites.

As a follow-up of this project, Dimosim has been added to the EC innovation radar


Development and evaluation of a new concept of interconnectivity between buildings and thermal district networks as well as their energy management. The proposed integrated concept has been first modelled and simulated for different typologies of buildings and different climates, using DIMOSIM. Then, they have been installed, monitored and evaluated in three pilot projects (including residential and non-residential buildings) in the UK, Belgium and Italy.

DIMOSIM has been used virtual platform for the evaluation of optimization algorithms.


Develop generic methodology to establish the feasibility of flexible and reproducible systems for the recovery and reuse of waste heat at urban level. Several pilot sites demonstrate the performance for waste heat from data centers, sewage, metro station and cooling systems. DIMOSIM has been used in the analysis and improvement of the energy system and energy management strategies of the Nice demonstrator site with sewage. In this pilot waste heat is reused for heating, cooling and DHW using thermo-refrigerating heat pumps.

Visit the project website.


Development of large-scale and transferable energy solutions for buildings energy retrofitting in mid-size European cities cities, by defining global district typologies and refurbishment models to easily test cities strategies for energy reduction.

DIMOSIM has been integrated in CROCUS tool to assess and select refurbishment plans, and has been been applied to the city of Bolzano (Italy)

Read the project related article : Planning City Refurbishment: an exploratory study at district scale , 2017 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation, Y. Nzengue; A. du Boishamon; K. Laffont-Eloire; V. Partenay; Y. Abdelouadoud; P. Zambelli; V. D’Alonzo; R. Vaccaro


Development of a model for energy generation and consumption through the deployment of smart grids, to improve the energy efficiency of Science and Technology Parks. This model has been tested in five Science and Technology Parks, supporting energy efficiency and integration of renewable energies as key factors for the competitiveness of the current economic and social model of Science and Technology Parks in Mediterranean area.

DIMOSIM has been developped to evaluate the potential for improving the energy performance of existing science and technology parks.


Development of a decision-making tool for the retrofitting of buildings and renovation of districts, by combining two scale approaches (building and district).


COLLECTiEF is a 4-year project funded by the European Union. It aims to implement an interoperable and scalable energy management system to smart up buildings and their legacy equipment on large scale. Enhancing the energy flexibility on both supply and demand sides can boost the movement towards sustainable and resilient urban energy solutions, especially in high-energy dense and heterogeneous urban areas. The project responds to this urgent need to review existing buildings’ energy strategy.